Matthew Smith
EBVS & RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
BVetMed, GPCert(SAS), CertAVP(GSAS), DipECVS MRCVS, EBVS European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
Matt graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2005 before spending 6 years working in small and mixed animal practice. In 2011 Matt moved to a busy small animal practice in Cheshire to focus on small animal surgery. He achieved the ESVPS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2012 before completing the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (General Small Animal Surgery) in 2015. Matt became an RCVS recognised Advanced Practitioner in small animal surgery in 2016 and moved to Northwest Veterinary Specialists in 2018 in order to undertake a 3-year specialist surgical residency programme. He became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2022. Matt enjoys all aspects of small animal surgery but in particular, he enjoys fracture management, treatment of cranial cruciate ligament disease, arthroscopy, thoracic and abdominal surgery.